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  • Compatible-to-MPPT solar controller regulator 20A 30A 40A 12V/24V

    Compatible-to-MPPT solar controller regulator 20A 30A 40A 12V/24V

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    Compatible-to-MPPT solar controller regulator 20A 30A 40A 12V/24V

    Introducing our MPPT-compatible Solar Controller Regulator, available in 20A, 30A, and 40A for both 12V and 24V systems. Please note that while these controllers are not 100% pure MPPT, they offer an exceptional level of performance very close to pure MPPT technology.

    Our T20, T30, and T40 models are tailored to function as Charger Controllers, Voltage Controllers, Lighting Controllers, and Solar System Controllers, providing reliable and efficient solutions for a variety of solar power applications.

    Manufactured with excellence in Mainland China, these high-quality solar controller regulators combine MPPT and PWM technologies, delivering a remarkable increase in charging efficiency, up to 30% higher than ordinary controllers, along with standby energy-saving features, consuming only 10mA-15mA in standby mode.

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