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  • TLL* Simple USB card reader for micro-SD card
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    TLL* Simple USB card reader for micro-SD card

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    TLL* Simple USB card reader for micro-SD card

    Note: The acronym TLL denotes that this product is stocked in the Tallinn warehouse and is available for shipping to Estonia (EST), Finland (FIN), Latvia (LAT), and Lithuania (LIT).

    It is a micro SD memory card reader that plugs into a regular computer USB port. SD card USB adapter does not need separate software, plug-and-play (connects automatically) under Windows-10.

    What does a USB card reader do? A memory card reader (also known as a USB card reader and an SD card reader) is a small device that is used to access, read, copy and backup data from a wide variety of memory cards such as SD (Secure Digital), CF (CompactFlash), MMC (MultiMediaCardC) and others.

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