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  • VGD A02 Smart Fingerprint Padlock: Keyless Security & Convenience
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    TLL* VGD A02 Smart Fingerprint Padlock: Keyless Security & Convenience

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    TLL* VGD A02 Smart Fingerprint Padlock: Keyless Security & Convenience

    Note: The acronym TLL denotes that this product is stocked in the Tallinn warehouse and is available for shipping to Estonia (EST), Finland (FIN), Latvia (LAT), and Lithuania (LIT).

    The VGD A02 Smart Fingerprint Padlock offers a secure and convenient keyless solution for everyday use. This sleek and durable padlock is ideal for securing lockers, gym bags, doors, gates, and more. (Note: Not recommended for high-security applications.)

    Unlocking Methods:

    • Fingerprint Recognition: Unlock the padlock with the touch of a finger (stores up to 15 fingerprints).
    • Mobile Bluetooth Connection: Use the free Tuya Smart app (Android/iOS) to unlock the padlock remotely via Bluetooth connection.

    Enhanced Security Features:

    • Fingerprint Access Control: Each registered fingerprint unlocks only this specific lock, adding an extra layer of security.
    • Unlock History Tracking: The Tuya Smart app keeps a detailed record of unlock events, including:
      • Date and Time
      • User who unlocked the padlock
      • Unsuccessful unlock attempts (with notification)
    • Anti-Tamper Alarm: An alarm sounds on your phone (via Bluetooth) if someone tries to open the lock with an unauthorized fingerprint.
    • Waterproof Construction: Withstands rain and splashes for reliable outdoor use.
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