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  • 2 pce Tuya wifi wall water leakage detector alarm sensor with Smart Life app

    2 pce Tuya wifi wall water leakage detector alarm sensor with Smart Life app

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    2 pce Tuya wifi wall water leakage detector alarm sensor with Smart Life app

    The package of the wall water leakage detector includes 2 pieces, but batteries (2xAAA for each) are not included. This detector sends alerts to your smartphone and produces a local siren alarm which can be muted or adjusted in volume. A stable 2.4GHz wifi connection is required for smartphone connection.

    Having a wall water leakage detector can help prevent severe damage by quickly alerting you of any problems. After testing several detectors, we recommend these smart water leak detectors.

    It’s worth checking with your insurer to see if they recommend installing a leak sensor, as this could potentially reduce your premiums.

    Water damage and freezing affect around 1 in 50 insured homes in the US every year, with average property damage costs of about $11,000. The longer a leak remains undetected, the more damage it can do, including ruining furniture, causing mold and fungi, and even impacting structural integrity.

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