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Showing 113–113 of 113 results

  • PV connectors MC4 for solar panels 1 pair

    PV connectors MC4 for solar panels 1 pair

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    PV connectors MC4 for solar panels 1 pair

    MC4 connectors are the industry standard for modern solar module installations, streamlining the process of wiring solar arrays efficiently. Each connector pair includes a male and a female component, specifically engineered to click into place seamlessly.

    These connectors comply with the National Electric Code’s standards, are UL certified, and are often the preferred choice for electrical inspectors due to their reliability and safety features.

    The robust locking mechanism of MC4 connectors ensures a secure connection, making them ideal for outdoor installations where they withstand the elements without becoming unplugged. Although firmly connected, they can be disengaged using a specialized MC4 unlocking tool when necessary.

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