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Showing 113–115 of 115 results

  • TLL* DIDIHOU DC battery analyzer 100A: monitor your battery performance
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    TLL* DIDIHOU DC battery analyzer 100A: monitor your battery performance

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    TLL* DIDIHOU DC battery analyzer 100A: monitor your battery performance

    Note: The acronym TLL denotes that this product is stocked in the Tallinn warehouse and is available for shipping to Estonia (EST), Finland (FIN), Latvia (LAT), and Lithuania (LIT).

    This DIDIHOU analyzer is a versatile tool for monitoring the performance of your DC-powered devices, including drone batteries, solar systems, RC hobbies, and more.

    Key Features:

    • Wide Voltage Range: Measures voltage from 0 to 60V, compatible with 12V, 24V, 36V, and 48V battery systems.
    • Multi-function Meter: Acts as a power meter, voltmeter, ampere-hour meter, ammeter, and energy meter, providing comprehensive data on your battery’s health and usage.
    • High Accuracy: Features a precision current sensing resistor with minimal in-circuit resistance (0.001 Ohms) and low operating current (7 mA) for accurate readings.
    • Clear Display: The digital LCD screen displays voltage, current, power, accumulated amp-hours, and watt-hours with clear and crisp readings.
    • Easy to Use: Simply connect the analyzer in line with your battery and device. No additional configuration is required.
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  • Tuya wifi smart 3-phase energy meter (60A-80A) with remote control

    Tuya wifi smart 3-phase energy meter (60A-80A) with remote control

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    Tuya wifi smart 3-phase energy meter (60A-80A) with Smart Life app

    This 3-phase 380V meter accurately tracks electricity consumption and production in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Utilizing the Smart Life app, users have the capability to remotely turn the mains power on or off behind the device or implement timer functions.

    It records historical energy data hourly, daily, monthly, and cumulatively. Additionally, it measures voltage (V), current (A), power (W) – accommodating both consumption and generation, and frequency (Hz).

    Remote reading and control are facilitated through a smartphone using the Smart Life app (developed by Volcano Technology Ltd). Connection to the app requires an available 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network. The app also allows users to monitor kWh, V, A, W, engage the timer function, and more.

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  • PV connectors MC4 for solar panels 1 pair

    PV connectors MC4 for solar panels 1 pair

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    PV connectors MC4 for solar panels 1 pair

    MC4 connectors are the industry standard for modern solar module installations, streamlining the process of wiring solar arrays efficiently. Each connector pair includes a male and a female component, specifically engineered to click into place seamlessly.

    These connectors comply with the National Electric Code’s standards, are UL certified, and are often the preferred choice for electrical inspectors due to their reliability and safety features.

    The robust locking mechanism of MC4 connectors ensures a secure connection, making them ideal for outdoor installations where they withstand the elements without becoming unplugged. Although firmly connected, they can be disengaged using a specialized MC4 unlocking tool when necessary.

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