Focus: 3.6mm

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  • Wifi outdoor security camera 5MP 3.6mm TPTEK CamHi app emailing photos

    Wifi outdoor security camera 5MP 3.6mm TPTEK CamHi app emailing photos

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    Wifi outdoor security camera 5MP 3.6mm TPTEK CamHi app emailing photos

    The CamHi free app supported by the camera offers unique features, enabling it to automatically send photos upon motion detection to your email, save them locally to an SD card, or upload them remotely to the cloud via FTP. To establish a connection, your phone requires access to a 2.4GHz WiFi network. This versatile app is compatible with Android, iOS, and PC platforms running Windows or Mac OS.

    Moreover, the camera itself boasts night vision capabilities and digital zoom functionality, ensuring clear monitoring even in low-light conditions. Additionally, users can customize the area for AI motion detection within the app, enhancing surveillance precision and efficiency.

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