Delivery costs and time
  1. Costs and time are shown based on customer’s location (country). Location will be geolocated if available.
  2. When customer has entered address (has logged in or entered address on Checkout page), the entered address overrides the geolocation.
  3. Delivery costs and time for each product has shown on Single Product page, if opened. The same is shown in Cart and Checkout pages. You can see other available options from drop-down menu and choose the most suitable combination for you and for your location.
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  4. Some products’ Name begins with “TLL*”. These products are locating in Tallinn Estonia warehouse and available to ship only to Est, Lat, Lit and Fin. These delivery prices (ca 3 eur and free for shipments above 50+ eur value) will be shown only on Checkout page. Please DO NOT add these products to your cart if your shipping address outside beforelisted area.
  5. Shipping might not be available to some remote regions and countries under international sanctions (small islands, RUS etc), even if the system doesn’t show you such limitations. Please contact us info@smartlife.ee before purchase if your location might fall under such terms.
  6. After shipment was actually sent out from warehouse, we’ll send tracking number to customer by e-mail in case of international shipments.
Site language

The site language was originally Estonian and targeted only towards Estonian clients, but later was converted on technical reasons to English. Now the site sells and deliveres all over the Europa and maintains additionally to English also Finnish, Estonian, Ukrainian and Russian interfaces. First time the user clicks the site the site asks for language and remembers preferences for next visits. The site uses automatic translations by DeepL and Google, so please apologize if language under some products haven’t corrected yet manually.

How to listen not read posts and products?

As a on 11.09.2024, I recommend to use the Microsoft Edge browser, what currently seems to be most sophisticated for such functions. In the Edge needed page open, click on address bar the A” sign. The “Read aloud” Edge bar opens and starts reading automatically:
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The cursor moves ahead automatically as reading goes on, and you can put the cursor to any next text you need to jump to. Or you can change the reading speed and voices under “Options”, or pause and cancel reading if needed. Thats the best currently as a freeware running.

But, of course – other browsers (Chrome, Norton etc) also allowing to read posts aloud automatically, but they don’t have these functions integrated default. To make reading aloud in these available, you need to add appropriate browser extension to the browser. There are several extensions available as a freeware. For Chrome and Norton, for example, might be added Read Aloud by isdsoftware.com: 

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This extension works on separates window so it a little makes trouble to follow original text on same time. But this is minor disadventage, it reads well. Also, there is available to adjust options for automatic reading loudly:

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The reading aloud is a great option for introducing longer texts.

What is Wishlist?

On the product pages or under Quick View you can click the heart-shaped icon to add a product to your personal favorites (so-called Wishlist). Adding to Wishlist doesn’t add it to Cart or make any purchase obligations – it is only for yourself to find the product later easily.

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If opened from the Header, it looks like

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Other questions or problems

If you have question or problem for what you didn’t find answer, please send it to info@smartlife.ee.

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