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Võtmeseif | ZincGuard suur lukukarp | Lähtestatav kombineeritud lukk | Veekindel seinale kinnitatav turvakast sise- ja välistingimustes kasutamiseks

(13 arvustust)

 10,31 14,77

ZincGuard Large Key Safe Box on teie lahendus võtmete turvaliseks hoidmiseks, mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks nii sise- kui ka välistingimustes. See vastupidav lukukarp, mis sobib ideaalselt koduomanikele, kinnisvarahalduritele ja teenusepakkujatele, tagab, et teie võtmed on ohutud ja neile on vajadusel juurdepääsetav.

Peamised omadused:

  • Vastupidav konstruktsioon: Valmistatud vastupidavast TÄISTSINKI sulamist, pakkudes vastupidavust rooste, sisselõigete ja karmi ilmastiku vastu.
  • Avar disain: Mahutab 6-9 võtit, sobib suurepäraselt koduvõtmete, autovõtmete või varuvõtmete jaoks.
  • Kohandatav turvalisus: Omadused lähtestatav 4-kohaline kombinatsioonlukk kuni 10 000 kombinatsiooni turvalisuse suurendamiseks.
  • Veekindel kaitse: Hoiab võtmed niisketes tingimustes kuivana, mistõttu sobib see erinevatesse keskkondadesse.
  • Lihtne paigaldamine: Mugav seinakinnitus võimaldab kiireks juurdepääsuks ja paigaldamiseks mitmesse kohta.

Mitmekülgsed kasutusalad:

  • Hädaabi juurdepääs: Veenduge, et pere või usaldusväärsed sõbrad pääseksid teie kodule hädaolukorras juurde.
  • Rendi haldamine: Ideaalne kinnisvarahalduritele, et tagada juurdepääs üürnikele või hoolduspersonalile.
  • Majapidamine ja lemmikloomade hooldamine: Jagage hõlpsalt võtme juurdepääsu hooldajate või lemmikloomahoidjatega, kui olete eemal.
  • Reisiturvalisus: Puhkuse ajal meelerahu tagamiseks hoidke varuvõtmeid turvaliselt.

Oluline märkus:
Ärge unustage oma parooli pärast lähtestamist dokumenteerida, et vältida juurdepääsu kaotamist võtmekastile.

Pakend sisaldab:

  • 1 x ZincGuard võtmeseif
  • 1 x paigaldustarvikute pakk

Miks valida ZincGuard?

  • Pikaajaline vastupidavus: Ehitatud taluma elemente ja igapäevast kasutamist.
  • Kasutajasõbralik disain: Lihtne paigaldada, lähtestada ja juurde pääseda, muutes võtmehalduse vaevatuks.
  • Tõhustatud turvalisus: Tundke end kindlalt, teades, et teie võtmed on kaitstud.

Muutke võtmehaldus lihtsaks ja turvaliseks rakendusega ZincGuard suur võtmeseif— usaldusväärne kaaslane kõigi võtmete hoiustamisvajaduste jaoks!

Hinnangulise saatmiskulu vaatamiseks VALIGE VARIATION.

The ZincGuard suur võtmeseif is designed for secure and convenient key storage in a variety of settings. Perfect for homeowners, property managers, and service providers, this versatile lock box is ideal for storing spare keys for emergency access, managing keys for rental properties, or providing trusted friends and family members with access to your home while you’re away. Its robust design ensures that your keys are protected from the elements, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Peamised omadused:

  • Robust ZINC Construction: Made from heavy-duty FULL ZINC alloy, this key lock box stands up to the elements, resisting rust, cuts, and extreme weather conditions, making it perfect for any location.
  • Generous Key Storage: With a spacious interior capable of holding 6-9 võtit, this lock box is ideal for home, office, or rental properties. Store house keys, car keys, or spare keys securely for emergency access.
  • Customizable Securitylähtestatav 4-kohaline kombinatsioonlukk offers up to 10,000 combination possibilities, providing high security against unauthorized access. Easily change the code as needed for peace of mind.
  • Veekindel disain: Engineered to keep your keys dry, this waterproof security box is suitable for wet and dry environments, ensuring reliable protection in any weather.
  • Convenient Wall-Mounting: The practical wall mount design allows for easy installation in various locations, giving you quick access to your keys whenever you need them.

Versatile Applications:

Perfect for everyday use, the ZincGuard Key Safe Box is essential for:

  • Hädaabi juurdepääs: Ideal for unexpected situations, ensuring you or trusted individuals can enter your home or property when needed.
  • Rental Properties: A reliable solution for property managers to provide access to tenants or service personnel.
  • Housekeeping & Pet Care: Convenient for sharing access with caretakers and friends during your absence.
  • Vacation Security: Store spare keys for peace of mind while traveling.

Oluline märkus:

After any password reset, please document your new combination securely, as losing it will prevent access to the key box.


  • 1 x ZincGuard võtmeseif
  • 1 x paigaldustarvikute pakk

Miks valida ZincGuard?

  • Durability Meets Design: Built to withstand the test of time and elements.
  • Täiustatud turvalisus: Feel confident with a lockbox that truly protects your keys.
  • User-Friendly: Easy to install, reset, and access, making key management effortless.

Elevate your key management experience with the ZincGuard suur võtmeseif—where security meets convenience. Perfect for all your key storage needs, indoors and outdoors!

SEO Keywords:

  • Key Safe Box
  • Durable Key Lock Box
  • Waterproof Security Box
  • Resettable Combination Lockbox
  • Wall-Mounted Key Storage

References to find more information:

Five Things to Know About Safe Deposit Boxes, Home Safes and Your Valuables | FDIC

Protecting Your Home | City of Boise

Does a Key Safe Invalidate Home Insurance? | MoneySuperMarket

Key safe box | zincguard large lock box | resettable combination lock | waterproof wall-mount security box for indoor & outdoor use € 10,31Key safe box | zincguard large lock box | resettable combination lock | waterproof wall-mount security box for indoor & outdoor use € 10,31Key safe box | zincguard large lock box | resettable combination lock | waterproof wall-mount security box for indoor & outdoor use € 10,31Key safe box | zincguard large lock box | resettable combination lock | waterproof wall-mount security box for indoor & outdoor use € 10,31Key safe box | zincguard large lock box | resettable combination lock | waterproof wall-mount security box for indoor & outdoor use € 10,31Key safe box | zincguard large lock box | resettable combination lock | waterproof wall-mount security box for indoor & outdoor use € 10,31Key safe box | zincguard large lock box | resettable combination lock | waterproof wall-mount security box for indoor & outdoor use € 10,31



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13 arvustust tootele Key Safe Box | ZincGuard Large Lock Box | Resettable Combination Lock | Waterproof Wall-Mount Security Box for Indoor & Outdoor Use

  1. l****
    Is the third one I ask for and they have always worked well
    Abiks? 0 0
    Abiks? 0 0
    Garne spvidnoshennya yakiste-tsyna and delivery, I am ill-satisfied)
    Abiks? 0 0
    Abiks? 0 0
    Is good
    Abiks? 0 0
    Abiks? 0 0
    Fine cabinet, easy to fix and install.
    Fast dispatch.
    Abiks? 0 0
    My second order. Ultrafast delivery. Excellent product. Excellent value for price. Highly recommended!
    Abiks? 0 0
    Great and very practical. I recommend
    Abiks? 0 0
    As expected, plastic material but just what I needed
    Abiks? 0 0
    Abiks? 0 0
    Key Safe Box | ZincGuard Large Lock Box | Resettable Combination Lock | Waterproof Wall-Mount Security Box for Indoor & Outdoor Use photo review
    Super stvar
    Abiks? 0 0
    Reliable product, it responds well to our need and it is very strong and very easy to handle and easy to change the code
    Abiks? 0 0

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