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Nutikas katlatermostaat - Tuya WiFi kodutemperatuuri kontroller vee- ja gaasikatelde jaoks

(12 arvustust)

 17,40 28,22

  • Nutikas WiFi-ühendus: Võimaldab küttesüsteemide kaugjuhtimist Tuya Smart ja Smart Life rakenduste kaudu, võimaldades reguleerimist kõikjalt.
  • Häälejuhtimise ühilduvus: Töötab sujuvalt koos hääleassistentidega, nagu Amazon Alexa, Google Home ja Yandex Alice, et temperatuuri ilma käedeta juhtida.
  • Täpne temperatuuri kontroll: Pakub 0,1 ℃ täpsusega näitu ja ±0,5 ℃ täpsusega seadistust, tagades optimaalse mugavuse teie kodus.
  • Lai temperatuurivahemik: Reguleeritavad temperatuuriseaded 5 ℃ kuni 95 ℃, mille väline piirivahemik on 20 ℃ kuni 90 ℃, mistõttu sobib see nii vee- kui ka gaasiboilerite jaoks.
  • Kasutajasõbralik LCD-puuteekraan: Omab suurt, kergesti loetavat LCD-puuteekraani, millel on taustvalgustusfunktsioon, mis tagab nähtavuse ka hämarates tingimustes.
  • Nädalane programmeerimisfunktsioon: Võimaldab kohandada kütteplaane kuni kuue programmeeritava ajaperioodiga nädalapäevade ja nädalavahetuste kohta.
  • Lapseluku funktsioon: Vältib laste juhuslikku seadistamist, suurendades kasutaja ohutust.
  • Mälufunktsioon: Säilitab seaded elektrikatkestuse ajal, taastades automaatselt eelistused, kui vool uuesti sisse lülitatakse.
  • Täiendavad funktsioonid: Sisaldab külmumisvastast kaitset, grupikontrolli võimalusi ja perekonna jagamisvõimalusi parema kasutatavuse tagamiseks.

The Nutikas kateltermostaat on oluline täiendus igale arukale kodule, ühendades täiustatud tehnoloogia ja kasutajasõbralikud funktsioonid, et optimeerida kütte tõhusust ja mugavust.

Hinnangulise saatmiskulu vaatamiseks VALIGE VARIATION.

Experience modern comfort with the Nutikas kateltermostaat, designed to optimize your home’s heating system for both electric floor heating and water/gas boilers. This advanced temperature controller integrates seamlessly with your smart home ecosystem, allowing for remote management through the Tuya Smart and Smart Life applications. With compatibility for popular voice assistants including Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Yandex Alice, controlling your home’s temperature has never been easier.


  • Nutikas WiFi-ühendus: Control your heating remotely from anywhere using the Tuya Smart or Smart Life app. Adjust your settings on-the-go for maximum convenience.
  • Häälejuhtimise ühilduvus: Effortlessly manage your heating system with voice commands through Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Yandex Alice, making it ideal for hands-free operation.
  • Täpne temperatuuri kontroll: The thermostat features an impressive display accuracy of 0.1℃ and a setting accuracy of ±0.5℃, ensuring that your home remains at the perfect temperature.
  • Lai temperatuurivahemik: Set and maintain temperatures from 5℃ to 95℃, with an outer limit range of 20℃ to 90℃, making it suitable for various heating applications, including both water and gas boilers.
  • Kasutajasõbralik LCD-puuteekraan: The thermostat is designed with a large, elegant LCD touch screen that is easy to read, featuring a backlight for visibility in low-light conditions.
  • Nädalane programmeerimisfunktsioon: Customize your heating schedule with support for six programmable time periods per weekday and weekend, ensuring your home is always comfortable when you need it.
  • Lapseluku funktsioon: The keypad locking function prevents accidental adjustments by children, providing peace of mind.
  • Mälufunktsioon: The thermostat retains all settings during power outages, automatically restoring preferences when power is restored, so you don’t have to reset it.
  • Täiendavad funktsioonid: Features include anti-freeze protection, group control capabilities, and family sharing options, enhancing usability and flexibility.

Tehnilised kirjeldused

  • Pinge: AC100~240V; 50/60Hz
  • Maximum Load Current: 16A/3A/3A (optional)
  • Probe Sensor: NTC10K 1% 3380
  • Ambient Temperature Range: -5℃ to 50℃
  • Protection Grade: IP20
  • Koorematerjal: Flame retardant PC
  • Product Size: 86 x 86 x 43.6 mm
  • Installation Distance: 60 mm
  • Energiatarve: 5μA (min)

Packaging Includes

  • 1 x Smart Boiler Thermostat
  • 1 x 3 Meter External Sensor (for 16A electric floor heating model)
  • 2 x kruvid
  • 1 x kasutusjuhend


The Nutikas kateltermostaat is the ultimate solution for efficient and convenient home heating management. Its advanced features and smart technology integration make it an indispensable addition to any modern home, ensuring optimal comfort and control over your heating systems. Upgrade to this intelligent thermostat today and enjoy a new level of heating convenience!

Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40Smart boiler thermostat - tuya wifi home temperature controller for water and gas boilers € 17,40

Boiler ThermostatBoiler ThermostatBoiler Thermostat


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Mudeli number

Floor Heating Thermostat





Maximum load current

16A/3A/3A (optional)

Probe sensor

NTC10K 1% 3380

Set temperature range


Outer limit range


Switching deviation

0.5~10℃, factory ±1℃

Ambient temperature


Display temperature accuracy

0,1 ℃

Protection grade


Shell material

flame retardant PC

Installation distance


Toote suurus

86 * 86 * 43.6mm

Kuskohast tarne:

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12 arvustust tootele Smart Boiler Thermostat – Tuya WiFi Home Temperature Controller for Water and Gas Boilers

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    Good quality product
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    Smart Boiler Thermostat - Tuya WiFi Home Temperature Controller for Water and Gas Boilers photo review
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    Smart Boiler Thermostat - Tuya WiFi Home Temperature Controller for Water and Gas Boilers photo review
    Smart Boiler Thermostat - Tuya WiFi Home Temperature Controller for Water and Gas Boilers photo review
    Smart Boiler Thermostat - Tuya WiFi Home Temperature Controller for Water and Gas Boilers photo review
    Smart Boiler Thermostat - Tuya WiFi Home Temperature Controller for Water and Gas Boilers photo review
    Cool stuff. Recommend
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