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Tuya Smart WiFi radiaatori ventiili ajam vee ja gaasi jaoks – täiustatud mudel RQF-1T

(15 arvustust)

 29,83 33,52

The Tuya Smart WiFi klapi ajam (Mudel RQF-1T) on mitmekülgne seade, mis on loodud nii vee- kui ka gaasivarustuse juhtimiseks, suurendades ohutust ja mugavust nutika kodu keskkondades.

Peamised omadused:

  • Käsitsi ja kaugjuhtimine: pakub lihtsat käsitsijuhtimist või kaugjuurdepääsu Tuya Smart või Tark elu rakendus vee- ja gaasisüsteemide tõhusaks haldamiseks.
  • Hääljuhtimise ühilduvus: töötab koos Amazon Alexa ja Google'i assistent käed-vabad kasutamiseks, mis võimaldab kasutajatel juhtida klapi täiturmehhanismi lihtsate häälkäsklustega.
  • Automaatne ohutusväljalülitus: tuvastab automaatselt lekked või kõrvalekalded ning lülitab majapidamise ohutuse tagamiseks välja vee- või gaasivarustuse. Täielikuks funktsionaalsuseks on vaja ühilduvaid lekkeandureid.
  • Targa kodu integreerimine: Täielikult ühilduv Tuya nutika kodu platvorm, mis võimaldab sujuvalt integreerida teiste Tuya toega nutiseadmetega.

Tehnilised kirjeldused:

  • Sertifitseerimine: CE
  • Toiteallikas:
    • Sisend: 100V-240V
    • Väljund: DC12V 1A
  • Ühenduvus: Wi-Fi 2,4 GHz (kuni 30 meetrit)
  • Klapi ühilduvus: Toetab klappe, mille rõhk on kuni 1,6 MPA
  • Operatsiooni aeg: Kiire sulgemine 5-10 sekundit
  • Pöö
  • Toitejuhtme pikkus2,3 meetrit, sealhulgas a 0,9-meetrine edumaa ja 1,4-meetrine ühendus.


The Tuya Smart WiFi klapi ajam on uuenduslik lahendus nutikate kodude vee- ja gaasivarustuse tõhusaks haldamiseks, mis ühendab endas turvafunktsioonid, kaugjuhtimisvõimalused ja sujuva integreerimise olemasolevate targa kodu süsteemidega.

Hinnangulise saatmiskulu vaatamiseks VALIGE VARIATION.

Enhance your home safety and convenience with the Tuya Smart WiFi klapi ajam, a versatile device specifically designed to manage both water and gas supplies seamlessly. This innovative valve actuator, certified with the CE mark, integrates effortlessly into your smart home ecosystem, supporting both Tuya ja Tark elu platforms.

Peamised omadused:

  • Manual and Remote Valve Operation:
    The Tuya Smart WiFi Valve Actuator allows for easy manual control or remote operation via the Tuya Smart või Tark elu app, providing exceptional convenience in managing your water and gas systems.
  • Voice Control Functionality:
    With compatibility for Amazon Alexa ja Google'i assistent, this valve actuator enables hands-free voice commands, making it easier to control your home’s water and gas supplies without manual intervention.
  • Automaatne ohutusväljalülitus:
    This valve actuator is engineered to automatically shut off your water or gas supply upon detecting potential leaks or anomalies, ensuring maximum safety for your household. Note that automatic detection requires compatible Smart Life water or gas leak sensors connected through smart scenarios.
  • Targa kodu integreerimine:
    Designed for seamless integration with the Tuya nutika kodu platvorm, this valve actuator can easily connect with other Tuya-enabled smart devices, creating a cohesive and efficient smart home environment.

Tehnilised kirjeldused:

  • Sertifitseerimine: CE
  • Toiteallikas:
    • Adapter Input: 100V-240V
    • Väljund: DC12V 1A
  • Ühenduvus:
    • Wi-Fi 2.4GHz, providing coverage over a range of 30 meetrit.
  • Klapi ühilduvus:
    • Suitable for valves with a pressure rating of up to 1,6 MPA.
  • Operatsiooni aeg:
    • Fast action with valve closure in 5-10 sekundit, both automatically and electrically.
  • Pöördemoment:
    • Delivers powerful performance with of torque.
  • Extensive Power Cord:
    • Total length of 2,3 meetrit, sealhulgas a 0,9-meetrine edumaa from the power adapter and a 1,4-meetrine ühendus from the body of the actuator, which can be extended using a standard 5.5×2.1mm DC male-female cord.

Seamlessly integrate the Tuya Smart WiFi klapi ajam into your smart home setup and efficiently manage your water and gas supplies with trusted safety measures.

Töötab koos Amazon Alexa ja Google Home'iga

When paired with Amazon Alexa või Google'i assistent, the smart valve actuator provides hands-free voice control over your home.
Voice Commands:

  • “Hey, Google, turn ON/OFF DEVICE NAME”
  • “Alexa, turn ON/OFF DEVICE NAME”

Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83

Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83Tuya smart wifi radiator valve actuator for water and gas - advanced model rqf-1t € 29,83

WiFi ventiili kontroller

Mudeli number




Targa kodu platvorm




15 arvustust tootele Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas – Advanced Model RQF-1T

  1. Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Very good product, tested and working, I use it when I am away from home coupled to the flood sensor with Tuya app to be able to close the water suppl...Veel
    Väga hea toode, testitud ja töötab, kasutan seda, kui olen kodust eemal, ühendatud üleujutusanduriga koos Tuya rakendusega, et saaksin torude purunemise korral kodus veevarustuse ventiili sulgeda.
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Kiire ja probleemivaba integreerimine Smart Life'i rakendusse, ka ventiili paigaldamine oli probleemivaba ning ühe tolli kraan avaneb ja sulgub.
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    See näeb välja suurepärane kvaliteet, materjal on valmis esteetiline, osad selle paigutamiseks, nägin ne oma kuusnurkse võtmega
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    nagu kirjeldatud ma testin seda ja kui midagi läheb valesti, siis teatan sellest!! tänu teile müüja !!!
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    The drive is excellent, it works well, it is very good, it is very strong, it will turn off the crane, thanks to the seller, but we could have done be...Veel
    Ajam on suurepärane, see töötab hästi, see on väga hea, see on väga tugev, see lülitab kraana välja, tänu müüjale, aga oleks võinud paremini pakendada!!!
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Shvidka tarne. Ale pakend on nõrk, pakend on mõistatuslik! Ale on tore saada targa elu!
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Super shvidka tarne Ukrainasse võttis see 10 päeva. Junk pakkimine
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Suurepärane toode aruka veevarustuse avamiseks/sulgemiseks, kodu üleujutuste ohutuse tagamiseks
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Suurepärane toode nüüd ma kontrollida automaatne kastmine kõikjal ilma probleemideta
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    See on kiire, sellel on hea sulgemisjõud.
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Product received even before the delivery date. After very fast wifi configuration; Mounting and fixing. The smart valve works wonderfully. I recommen...Veel
    Toode saabus isegi enne tarnekuupäeva. Pärast väga kiiret wifi konfigureerimist; Paigaldamine ja kinnitamine. Nutikas ventiil töötab imeliselt. Soovitan. Tahan veel ühe tellida.
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Suurepärane toode. See näitab väga tahke ma proovin seda ja kommenteerida. Komplektis on manuaalsed tarvikud ja trafo
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Võimas käigukast. Sa pead välja mõtlema midagi huvitavat. ... 9 dollarit ei ole kahju.
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Väga hea töö isegi saabus vähem kui 15 Pres päeva. Prudent-SP
    Abiks? 0 0
    Tuya Smart WiFi Radiator Valve Actuator for Water and Gas - Advanced Model RQF-1T photo review
    Arrived full products, before the estimated date, look well packaged, and the products look for rough use! Grx., I will install them and see their ope...Veel
    Saabus täis tooteid, enne eeldatavat kuupäeva, näevad hästi pakitud ja tooted näevad välja karmi kasutamise jaoks! Grx., ma paigaldan need ja näen nende toimimist
    Abiks? 0 0

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